Understanding the human digestive system and its functions in Detail

Human digestive system – basically the digestion that exists in the human body has a function to digest all types of food and also drinks that go into it through the mouth. In the digestive tract there are many very important organs and will always be involved in processing all the incoming food.

Since one is not born, the digestive system in the body has been designed to be able to cultivate all food and also drinks that will enter when it is born later. In general the main function of the digestive system in the human body is to change all kinds of food and beverages to become a nutrient for easily absorbed by the body.

The nutrients will be channeled throughout the body to be used in the process of repairing damaged body cells and others in use as a source of energy to support the activity every day.

The human digestive system in Detail

In order to be used as a source of energy for the body, food and also beverages that enter the body should be treated first by digestion. Basically the process of digestion of food in humans is not short because the body takes a long time until the remainder of the food is thrown through the CHAPTER.

When the body starts to cultivate food, there will be many organs involved in the process. Then what are the digestive system organs that participate in digesting food? Here's an explanation:

Human digestive drafting sequence

  • Mouth
  • Esophagus
  • Stomach
  • The fine intestine
  • Colon
  • Anus


1. The mouth

The digestive process of the first human being through the mouth. All kinds of food and also drinks will enter the first time through the mouth. In the mouth it has chemical digestion and also mechanics. In addition, the mouth also has other additional organs to help process food such as tongue, teeth, and also salivary glands.

Aloe has a function to place food so that it is easy to chew and also helps to make it easier to swallow food. For the teeth itself has a function as a food chewing and food cutter to be smoother and easier to swallow.

As for the salivary gland it has a function that is also not less important as it helps the ingestion of food for easy to pass through the oral cavity and as a protector for the oral cavity.

2. The Esophagus

The digestive system in the next man is the esophagus or often also known by the name of Esopagus.  The esophagus is a conduit between the mouth and the stomach that lies between the throat and the stomach.

Basically, the esophagus itself has a significant role that is to distribute food that has been processed by the mouth to head to the stomach. In addition, the muscles in the esophagus will contract if there is a meal in and the contraction aims to encourage the food to enter the stomach.

3. Stomach

The Organ of the digestive system in the next person is the stomach or in the scientific language called the Ventriculus.  The stomach is located between the esophagus and also the left colon of the upper abdominal cavity. The stomach has a diverse size but generally two-sided wrist fist. In addition, the stomach also has a unique shape like a bulging bag.

In its gastric rule it has a function to store food and fluid that enters and mixes all foods and liquids into one and distributes food to enter into the small intestine slowly until depleted.

Not only that, stomach also has a function to produce hydrochloric acid which is used to kill all the microorganisms in the food. In the stomach there are also 3 parts such as the Cardiak (upper), Fundus (Central) and Pylorus (bottom).

4. The fine intestine

The digestive device in the next man is a fine intestine. The small intestine has several parts such as Duodenum (duodenal), empty intestine (jejunum) and also intestinal absorption (Ileum). The overall length of the small intestine is 8.25 m. In the small intestine there are also numerous digestive processes of food such as chemical processes with the help of enzymes.

The small intestine has a shape resembling a thin tube that has a size of 1 cm with a length of up to 8-10 M. All parts of the small intestine are rolled up like hoses and on the surface of the inside it is filled with many bulges and Folds.

In addition to that the small intestine itself has a function to absorb all the nutrients that are in the food after going through the digestive process. The fine intestine also produces several types of enzymes that are able to alter some of the substances contained in the food to make it easier to absorb. Certain types of enzymes such as lactase enzyme, erepsin enzyme, maltase enzyme, lipase enzyme and many more.

5. The colon

Not only up to the fine intestine, but the digestive process in the human body also involves a colon. Inside the colon can be divided into three parts i.e. large bowel rises, large bowel crosses and also colon down. In general, the colon in the human body has a relatively long size of 5-6 m.

The colon also has its parts such as the Secum section, the Asenden colon, the transcendent colon, the Desenden colon, the sigmoid colon and also the rectum. All foods that enter the colon are remnants of food from the absorption of the intestine but the rest of the meal still has a high content of water and the content of the water will be absorbed by the colon.

The function of the colon in the human digestive system is a container of food remnants that will be crushed using the type of bacteria Escherichia coli. After that the remnants of the food that has been decayed will be transformed into dirt that will later be discarded by the anus.

6. The Anus

The last Organ of the human digestive system is anus. All leftovers that have been converted into impurities by the colon will be discarded through the tip of the big anus often referred to by the name of the rectum. The rectum is the path to the anus which is a place to dispose of all impurities.

In the groove of the human digestive system, the anus is the last door in digesting all food in the body. In the body, the anus serves as a container or place to dispose of fasces or is often said to be defecating.

How, whether the explanation above about the human digestive system and its function can already answer your curiosity. In addition, we are obliged to always maintain the health of the digestive system in the body in order to avoid digestive disorders. So many information can be given, hopefully can give a useful information for all. Thanks.