List of eight banned drinks for young pregnant women consumption

Forbidden drinks for pregnant women-as well as maintaining a dietary pattern, fulfilling the body's fluid needs is very different from women who are not pregnant. For mothers should also pay attention to the fetus being in the bladder when wanting to consume drinks.

This is because some types of beverages are not good for consumption by pregnant women as it can pose a problem to the health of the body and can interfere with the growth of fetus. Then what beverages should not be drunk during pregnancy?

Beverages that should not be drunk pregnant women

As mentioned above, if not all mothers drink good for the health of pregnant women especially for the first trimester pregnancy. Here are some types of drinks that are mandatory for mothers to avoid to grow small flowers are not disturbed:

1. Sparkling Drinks

Drinks that have a soda content, it feels delicious when drunk. Therefore, many people make this sparkling drink into their favorite drink. A wide variety of soda drinks can be encountered, one of which is a lot of high demand soda drink diet soda.

Although drink diet soda is said to be healthier, but it is very good if avoided first if the mother is in the period of pregnancy. This is the material from the soda drink, there is a caffeine content, and it contains artificial sweetener is saccharine.  It is one of the chemicals that can affect the fetus if in excessive consumption. Whether it affects fetal growth can also cause the risk of disability in infants.

2. Drinks containing caffeine

Drinks that have caffeine content such as coffee, it has been commonplace drunk by so many people. Having a distinctive flavor makes coffee so much in demand. But if you are pregnant it is very good to reduce or even do not consume coffee too often.

By reducing the consumption of caffeine in pregnancy will be better. To reduce consumption of caffeine drink mother can start with a slow limiting way, eg one small cup a day. Because with the mother minimizes the drinks that have caffeine like this coffee, at the beginning of the first pregnancy you will help reduce the risk of miscarriage is quite high.

3. Green Tea

Tea is one of the healthy drinks. And it has a delicious and refreshing flavor. To get tea is also very easy.  You can also choose what kind of tea you like, because the tea has many variants, one of which is a variant of tea that is desirable for green tea.

But in the period of pregnancy it turns out green tea should be minimized. This is because green tea also has a caffeine content that is not small. If you consume excessive green tea in the period of pregnancy can cause less good effect for your fetus, it is because green tea can make the body's metabolism increased and cause reduced absorption of folic acid and conditions Like this can cause less good effects for growth and fetal flowers.

4. Color Drinks

The types of beverages that should not be drunk when pregnant are the next color drink or drink containing harmful dyes. Although drinks that have a bright color are more appetizing, but it is good when pregnant mothers avoid all kinds of drinks that use artificial dyes.

Where there are some people who usually mix harmful chemicals into the drinks they make, it is usually to give a bright color to make it more interesting to see. If the chemical substances get into the body then it does not cover the possibility of serious problems in the fetus may occur.

5. Drinks containing alcohol

In pregnancy, it is strongly advised to always keep food and keep the drink in consumption. There are some drinks that are a prohibition for pregnant women. One of which is drinks containing alcohol. If the mother is still suppose if drinking alcohol even though it is in small quantities it has no effect. That is the wrong assumption, because alcohol can give a bad effect to the fetus.  Some of the risks to the fetus due to alcohol can cause defects, developmental barriers, and growth disorders.

So try to avoid alcoholic beverages when pregnant. If the mother wants to continue to fulfill the needs of body fluids, it is advisable to prefer drinking water, or can drink coconut water and also milk.

6. unpasteurised milk

Milk is highly recommended to be drunk during pregnancy. Because milk can help meet daily nutritional needs. But mothers should be more careful and more thorough in choosing the type of milk.

Especially mothers should avoid unpasteurised milk. The process that handles the various types of bacteria and microbes that exist in the substance is called pasteurization.

Because if the milk is not pasteurized, the bacteria contained in milk can cause harm to your body. The bacteria that appear can easily find its way into the fetus through the placenta, as well as cause permanent damage to the fetus.

7. Wheat Juice Grass

Wheat grass or wheatgrass is indeed very much has healthy benefits for the body. But consuming wheat juice excessively can give a bad effect to the body.

This is due to the humid conditions at the time wheat is harvested, and it can trigger more risk of contamination wheat by microbes and fungi.

So, the mother should avoid the consumption of wheat juice and also wheat juices made from raw materials in the period of pregnancy

8. Sweet Drinks

Drinking sweet drinks from sugar is also better avoided during pregnancy. It is suggested that fasting first drink too sweet, and also sparkling. It has a fairly high sugar content and is not good for your fetal development. Sugar can also cause the fetus to have a large weight at birth later. Sweet drinks can also trigger diabetes.

So our mother should have extra care and choose food and drink intake. To maintain your health and fetal development.

That is the eight types of drinks that are forbidden to pregnant women consumption, but because it is harmful to health, the drink can also interfere with the growth of the fetus that is currently in the womb. So throw all the wishes of the mother to consume the type of drink above and remember always the little one who is in the belly of the mother. So many information can be given, hopefully can give a useful information for all. Thanks.